AresDecrypter, decryptor for Ares Dat files, registry and incomplete downloads.
This program is no longer available for purchasing.Overview:
AresDecrypter will read en decrypt the encrypted information of the ShareH.dat ShareL.dat PhashIdx.dat and the other data files used by Ares. (information about shared files)
AresDecrypter will read registry keys written by ares, including search information and chat favorites. The registry can be read from a live system or offline by selecting an exported ntuser.dat from an evidence file.
AresDecrypter will read information from the incomplete downloads. (including sha1 hash and ip source information)
AresDecrypter will give you an overview of the shared files.
AresDecrypter version 1.1. and above, can be used in combination with Encase as an external viewer to read the information as listed above.
This program is no longer available for purchasing.
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Video demo click here (HQ 30 MB)

Video demo click here (HQ 30 MB)
Other software:
P2P monitoring softwareA program to get information about shared files on P2P networks.
Currently working on Gnutella, Ares and OpenFT.
24 hours, 7 days a week automatic searching..
Restrict results to your country.
No expensive hardware required.
Easy to use, running on windows XP
More information on request.
About Fekruna
and our logo:
Have you ever wondered why I choose the name Fekruna Forensic
and why I am using a turtle as logo?
The turtle symbol is used in different cultures all over the world and has a great history.
It represents Mother Earth and protects against evil spirits.
It also stands for happiness, fertility and a long life.
At first sight we associate it with slowness, but we all know the story
about the hare and the turtle. Wisdom, clever, patience and endurance
can be used to describe a turtle. A turtle can live everywhere and its
ability over the ages to adjust to the environment is enormously. An
old chinese saying: to make progress, the turtle has to stick his neck
It all began in 2003 with the development of the program Geochelone, by insiders also known as "the Turtle KaZaA tool", written by “Carbonaria”, at that time I was working for the Dutch National Police Agency. Geochelone is latin for turtle. The logo for the program at that time was the Redfoot Turtle, in latin “Geochelone Carbonaria”. It represented a turtle because of it's symbolic meaning and it included the name of the developer. Like a real turtle it was spread all over the world and Geochelone became a great success story. KaZaA network slowly went down, but the turtle had to survive. I dediced to make a new program. This program is a spin-off and extendended re-development from the former program "Geochelone" Just like the turtle it is adjusted to new environments. It has been extended with several new modules and interfaces to the various networks.
When the program was in his final stage I needed a police agency that was willing to stick their neck out. Just like a turtle is doing when it wants to go forward. The Maltees police was one of the first police agency that used the former program Geochelone and with great success. The Maltees police was willing to test the new program. Of course I have tested it over and over, with music files as an example, but was it working in real life?
The Maltees police decided to give it a try and started operation Fekruna which is the maltees word for turtle. Of course the maltees police did their homework before knocking on doors. They did their background investigations, watched the users and so on.
This all resulted in the arrest of 11 suspects and in 1 case an abused child was found. The Maltees police is still using the program with great succes. Because of their good work and their willing to stick their neck out, I dediced to honour them and call the new program Fekruna Forensics.
This program must not under any
circumstances be used for any commercial purposes.
It is not allowed to distribute this software without permission
This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
Copyright (c) 2008 - Carbonaria
All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided "as is", without any warranties, expressed or
You are not allowed to
1) recompile, reverse engineer, or modify this software.
2) distribute this software without permission .
3) You cannot charge for the use of this software.
For more information, please contact:
Fekruna Forensics
The Netherlands